RESPACFO is a faith based organization,where we believe with God nothing is impossible. In September we began running a school for orphans and children who it’s obvious their parents don’t have the well without. Our school is intended to raise a standard of excellence and godliness. We started in September 2023 with the total number of 12 pupils,ten from the Orphanage,two from the neighborhood. A month later,we admitted 2 children who were abound by their father and were living in an uncompleted building. After proper investigation,it was clear the woman and her children needed help. About the third term,we got two more children from a young farmer who lost the wife and was left with two children to charter for,8 and 6 years old. Today we have a total of sixteen pupils and 3 teachers and on undergraduate as volunteer. All our children are under scholarships, how do you run the school has been a very big question in the heart of everyone. As a faith organization,we got this burden to help and trust God to bring destiny helpers to partner with us to help the less privileged one in our society.

Each child tuition fee person session is :

Term fee:#18,000

Games wear: #5,000

Books: 13,800



Total fee per annual: #73,000

Subsequent term is #18,000+#25,000 for feeding.

Each teacher salaries is #20,000,head teacher #30,000.

You can support a child,or pay one of the teachers monthly.

Thank you as we trust God to bless you to be a blessing to humanity